Markers ======= .. currentmodule:: packaging.markers One extra requirement of dealing with dependencies is the ability to specify if it is required depending on the operating system or Python version in use. The :ref:`specification of dependency specifiers ` defines the scheme which has been implemented by this module. Usage ----- .. doctest:: >>> from packaging.markers import Marker, UndefinedEnvironmentName >>> marker = Marker("python_version>'2'") >>> marker "2"')> >>> # We can evaluate the marker to see if it is satisfied >>> marker.evaluate() True >>> # We can also override the environment >>> env = {'python_version': '1.5.4'} >>> marker.evaluate(environment=env) False >>> # Multiple markers can be ANDed >>> and_marker = Marker("os_name=='a' and os_name=='b'") >>> and_marker >>> # Multiple markers can be ORed >>> or_marker = Marker("os_name=='a' or os_name=='b'") >>> or_marker >>> # Markers can be also used with extras, to pull in dependencies if >>> # a certain extra is being installed >>> extra = Marker('extra == "bar"') >>> # You can do simple comparisons between marker objects: >>> Marker("python_version > '3.6'") == Marker("python_version > '3.6'") True >>> # You can also perform simple comparisons between sets of markers: >>> markers1 = {Marker("python_version > '3.6'"), Marker('os_name == "unix"')} >>> markers2 = {Marker('os_name == "unix"'), Marker("python_version > '3.6'")} >>> markers1 == markers2 True Reference --------- .. class:: Marker(markers) This class abstracts handling markers for dependencies of a project. It can be passed a single marker or multiple markers that are ANDed or ORed together. Each marker will be parsed according to the specification. :param str markers: The string representation of a marker or markers. :raises InvalidMarker: If the given ``markers`` are not parseable, then this exception will be raised. .. method:: evaluate(environment=None) Evaluate the marker given the context of the current Python process. :param dict environment: A dictionary containing keys and values to override the detected environment. :raises: UndefinedComparison: If the marker uses a comparison on strings which are not valid versions per the :ref:`specification of version specifiers `. :raises: UndefinedEnvironmentName: If the marker accesses a value that isn't present inside of the environment dictionary. .. exception:: InvalidMarker Raised when attempting to create a :class:`Marker` with a string that does not conform to the specification. .. exception:: UndefinedComparison Raised when attempting to evaluate a :class:`Marker` with a comparison operator against values that are not valid versions per the :ref:`specification of version specifiers `. .. exception:: UndefinedEnvironmentName Raised when attempting to evaluate a :class:`Marker` with a value that is missing from the evaluation environment.